Filters for Publications
151 - 200 out of 204 results

Design and Simulation Machine of Artificial Bipolar Hip

Master'sNgo Thi HoaH. P. B. Ngoc 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Design and modeling motorcycle helmets using numerical simulation

Thinh Q. ThaiHung Anh LyCao Bang VoHuu Thinh DoPhu Thuong Luu Nguyen 05 Nov 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Design and analysis the compliant inner tristable mechanism with chain beam constraint method

PhD.Phan Van DucT. H. NgoN. D. K. TranH. S. LeV B Nguyen 05 Nov 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Design and abricate quipment dditive anufacturing sing igital ight rocessing for raining

D. V. NghinN. T. Hoa 05 Nov 2021

Research output: Proceeding

D2D Multi-hop Multi-path Communications in B5G Networks: A Survey on Models, Techniques, and Applications

Tran Quang NhatNguyen-Son VoQuynh-Anh NguyenMinh-Phung BuiThanh-Minh PhanVan-Viet LamAntonino Masaracchia 2021

Research output: Article

Current Development of E-commerce Enterprises in Vietnam

PhD.Do Thuan HaiNguyen Hoang TienDinh Ba Hung AnhNguyen Vo Hung Jan 2021

Research output: Article

Cultural symbolism vs structural efficiency: Study on “Soko Tunggal” (single column) heritage mosque architecture in Indonesia

Muhammad Fahd Diyar HusniJennifer Baylon VerancesAstari WulandariEko Nursanty 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Cultural hybridity: The vitality of Hoi An ancient town world cultural heritage

Master'sSon PutraVo Van ThanhLe Minh ThanhHuynh Quoc ThangDo Thi Ngoc Uyen 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Corporate Social Responsibility and Job Pursuit Intention of Employees in Vietnam

PhD.Vu Minh HieuLinh Viet HoangVu Minh Ngo 30 Dec 2020

Research output: Article

Corporate Governance and Earnings Management: A Study of Vietnamese Listed Banks

Master'sLuu Chi DanhQuoc Thinh TranTo Trang Lam 30 Dec 2020

Research output: Article

Conservation of historical cultural buildings in Indonesia and Vietnam

Master'sLe Ho Trung HieuMashariLiliana Tedjosaputro 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Article

Comprehensive assessment of viscous heat generation in rarefied gas microflows

Nam T. P. LeBang V. DinhQuang L. DangAnh V. DangNguyen Quoc Y 05 Nov 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Classification of the Kanji character in Japanese using the ANFIS technique

Bac Thi VoTri Quoc Truong 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

CFD Based Investigation on the Performance of Solar Chimney for Room Natural Ventilation

Tue Nguyen DuyHong-Tham T. Pham 05 Nov 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Case study of face detection libraries on Raspberry Pi

PhD.Le Hung TienChuong Nguyen ThienHuy Q. TranPhan Xuan Le 05 Nov 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Candidate word generation for OCR errors using optimization algorithm

D.T. PhamD. Q. NguyenA. D. LeM. N. PhanP. Kromer 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Automatic clustering algorithm for interval based on overlap distance

Master'sLe Thi Kim NgocTuan Le Hoang, Tai Vo Van 18 Mar 2021

Research output: Article

Assessments of Climate change and sea level rise impacts on flows and saltwater intrusion in the Vu Gia - Thu Bon river basin, Vietnam

PhD.Tran Anh DuongNguyen Mai Dang, Le Ngoc Vien, Nguyen Bach Tung, Thanh Duc Dang Aug 2019

Research output: Proceeding

Artificial neural network for building energy consumption prediction

PhD.Le Hung TienNguyen Trung Thoi 05 Nov 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Applying technology 4.0 to a social design responding to the COVID-19 pandemic

Nguyen Bao Cuc Phuong 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Application of morphological chart to design a glass cleaning Robot model

Nguyen Quang HoangDang Van Nghin 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

ANFIS for building cooling load estimation

PhD.Le Hung TienNguyen Trung Thoi 05 Nov 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Analyzing the factors affecting to the intension to use traditional medicine

T.L. DoT. Pham 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Analysis of pathogenic characteristics induced by Toxocara cati in experimental mouse model

Trinh Huu HungThai Thi Tuyet Trinh 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

An internet of things (IoT) based swarm electrification for solar powered households

Associate Professor, PhD.Nguyen Quoc YWilen Melsedec O. NarviosJoecyn N. Archival 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

An efficient curriculum management ICTbased system to support AUN-QA

Dinh Van HoThi Hong PhanNgoc Duy Pham 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Air quality and climate co-benefits estimation for vehicle fuel switching in Ho Chi Minh City

Trang Tran ThuMinh Phan Nguyen Nguyet 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

AIIB as a Strategic Counterbalance for Western Financial Institutions

PhD.Tran Anh MinhNguyen Hoang Tien, Dinh Ba Hung Anh, Nguyen Phuong Mai 2021

Research output: Article

A study on the species composition of Toxocara spp. in infected home cats in Ho Chi Minh City

Thi-Phuong NguyenHuu-Hung Nguyen 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding