Analyzing the usage of short cantilever reinforced concrete beam and applying strut and tie model in design calculation

Nam H. VuTrung T. TranXuan D. Tu

Khoa Xây Dựng

Thể loại: Kỷ yếu

Sơ lược nội dung

Short cantilever beams appear in both civil and industrial projects such as bearing supports in assembled structures, connections between steel and concrete or heavy load-bearing components such as crane pillars, supporting bridge, etc. However, the distributed stress in the short cantilever reinforced concrete beam under concentrated load usually has a discontinuity zone and varies, which depend on the ratio between span length and height, making it difficult to calculate from the viewpoint as conventional beam. The strut and tie model has been studied by many authors, the application results have been recorded and included in the Euro code and ACI standards but the application to designers in civil engineering field is not efficient. Whenever designers need to design short cantilever beams, a difficult research must be done by designers, and it takes period to finish calculations. In this article, we discuss the usage of short cantilever reinforced concrete beams, apply strut and tie model to calculate this structure in accordance with ACI and Euro code standards and compare the calculation results to short cantilever reinforced concrete beams of TCVN 5574-2018 for an overview of these structural calculations in 3 different criteria. The article will be a practical reference source for designers and students to apply in real building design and reduce time in designing short cantilever beams.

Thông tin chung
Thể loại
Kỷ yếu
Năm xuất bản
20 Thg9 2021
Ngôn ngữ gốc
Tiếng Anh
Tạp chí công bố
AIP Conference Proceedings
Ấn phẩm số
Vol. 2406, No. 020016 (2021)
Loại tạp chí
Danh mục Scopus
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