Design and abricate quipment dditive anufacturing sing igital ight rocessing for raining

D. V. NghinN. T. Hoa

Khoa Kỹ Thuật

Thể loại: Kỷ yếu

Sơ lược nội dung

Digital Light Processing (DLP) 3D printer uses photopolymerization to create 3D components. 3D printing technologies based on DLP are frequently used for fabricating complex objects without tooling and machining. In this paper, concerning some aspects of the Digital Light Processing technology such as the brief introduction, development history, some advantages, and practical applications in various fields is presented. The authors analyze existing devices, these device' design embodiment decisions is chosen based on the selection matrix. The main content of this paper is that we present the principle, construction as well as analyzing and choose the best design for a 3D Rapid Prototyping machine using Digital Light Processing technology. We also implement some results of designed parts as well as the manufactured machine.

Thông tin chung
Thể loại
Kỷ yếu
Năm xuất bản
05 Thg11 2021
Ngôn ngữ gốc
Tiếng Anh
Tạp chí công bố
AIP Conference Proceedings
Ấn phẩm số
Vol. 2420, No. 010001 (2021)
Loại tạp chí
Danh mục Scopus
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