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101 - 150 out of 186 results

Extended network and algorithm finding maximal flows

PhD.Tran Ngoc VietLe Hong Dung Apr 2020

Research output: Article

Evaluating the capacity of the sewerage systems in Ho Chi Minh City in the context of immigration and climate change

Huynh Tan LoiLe Thi Kim OanhTran Thi My DieuHuynh Ngoc Phuong MaiMai Tuan Anh 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Energy based seismic design coefficients

Trung Thanh TranB. Adhikari 05 Nov 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Empowering learner autonomy by datadriven career development planning

N D Q MiD T T GiangP N Duy 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Efficient Binarizing Split Learning based Deep Models for Mobile Applications

Pham Ngoc DuyNguyen Hong DienDinh Hoa Dang 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Effects of the top extension of the domain in CFD simulation of solar chimneys

T. N. HuynhY. Q. Nguyen 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Effect of ultrasound-assisted extraction of lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) essential oil

Duc Le AnhKien Pham VanThanh Bui Trung 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Development of an IoT based fire alarm monitoring system

Associate Professor, PhD.Nguyen Quoc YWilen Melsedec O. NarviosLeahlou E. Narvios 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Determining optimal location and size of capacitors in radial distribution networks using moth swarm algorithm

PhD.Phan Van DucThanh Long Duong, Thuan Thanh Nguyen, Thang Trung Nguyen Oct 2020

Research output: Article

Designing playground in outdoor public space in Ho Chi Minh City

Nguyen Thi Uyen UyenNguyen Hong Ngoc 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Article

Design of an automated tomatoes classifier model followed innovative method

Vinh Hien HuynhTruc Viet TrinhNghin Van Dang 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Design and Simulation Machine of Artificial Bipolar Hip

Master'sNgo Thi HoaH. P. B. Ngoc 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Design and modeling motorcycle helmets using numerical simulation

Thinh Q. ThaiHung Anh LyCao Bang VoHuu Thinh DoPhu Thuong Luu Nguyen 05 Nov 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Design and analysis the compliant inner tristable mechanism with chain beam constraint method

PhD.Phan Van DucT. H. NgoN. D. K. TranH. S. LeV B Nguyen 05 Nov 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Design and abricate quipment dditive anufacturing sing igital ight rocessing for raining

D. V. NghinN. T. Hoa 05 Nov 2021

Research output: Proceeding

D2D Multi-hop Multi-path Communications in B5G Networks: A Survey on Models, Techniques, and Applications

Tran Quang NhatNguyen-Son VoQuynh-Anh NguyenMinh-Phung BuiThanh-Minh PhanVan-Viet LamAntonino Masaracchia 2021

Research output: Article

Current Development of E-commerce Enterprises in Vietnam

PhD.Do Thuan HaiNguyen Hoang TienDinh Ba Hung AnhNguyen Vo Hung Jan 2021

Research output: Article

Cultural symbolism vs structural efficiency: Study on “Soko Tunggal” (single column) heritage mosque architecture in Indonesia

Muhammad Fahd Diyar HusniJennifer Baylon VerancesAstari WulandariEko Nursanty 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Cultural hybridity: The vitality of Hoi An ancient town world cultural heritage

Master'sSon PutraVo Van ThanhLe Minh ThanhHuynh Quoc ThangDo Thi Ngoc Uyen 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Proceeding

Conservation of historical cultural buildings in Indonesia and Vietnam

Master'sLe Ho Trung HieuMashariLiliana Tedjosaputro 20 Sep 2021

Research output: Article

Comprehensive assessment of viscous heat generation in rarefied gas microflows

Nam T. P. LeBang V. DinhQuang L. DangAnh V. DangNguyen Quoc Y 05 Nov 2021

Research output: Proceeding