1 |
ABC Journals |
2 |
Abhinav |
3 |
Academe Research Journals |
4 |
Academic Exchange Quarterly |
5 |
Academic Research Reviews |
6 |
7 |
Academy of Contemporary Research Journal (AOCRJ) |
8 |
Access Journals |
9 |
ACME Intellects International Journal of Research in Management, Social Sciences & Technology |
10 |
Acoreana Journal (Journal of Acoreana) |
11 |
Acta Advances in Agricultural Sciences (AAAS) |
12 |
Acta Bioethica |
13 |
14 |
Acta de Gerencia Ciencia (CAGENA) |
15 |
Acta Kinesiologica |
16 |
Acta Medica International |
17 |
Acta Scientiae et Intellectus |
18 |
19 |
Acta Velit |
20 |
Adalya Journal |
21 |
Advance Journals |
22 |
Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries |
23 |
Advanced Journals |
24 |
Advanced Research Journals |
25 |
Advances in Aerospace Science and Technology (AAST) |
26 |
Advances in Biomedicine and Pharmacy (ABP) |
27 |
Advances in Forestry Letter |
28 |
Advances in Mechanics |
29 |
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal(ASTESJ ; ASTES Journal) |
30 |
Aegaeum Journal |
31 |
Afinidad |
32 |
Afrasian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (AAJHSS) |
33 |
African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines (AJTCAM) |
34 |
Aging |
35 |
36 |
Agrociencia Journal |
37 |
Ahead International Journal of Recent Research Review (AIJRRR) |
38 |
AIMS Report Journal |
39 |
Al Ameen Journal of Medical Sciences (AJMS) |
40 |
Alochana Chakra Journal |
41 |
Aloy Journal of Soft Computing and Applications (AJSCA) |
42 |
AMA, Agricultural mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America |
43 |
American Based Research Journal (ABRJ) |
44 |
American International Journal of Contemporary Research (AIJCR) |
45 |
American International Journal of Contemporary Scientific Research |
46 |
American Journal of Advanced Agricultural Research (AJAAR) |
47 |
American Journal of Advanced Drug Delivery |
48 |
American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research (AJASR) |
49 |
American Journal of Advances in Medical Science (ARNACA) |
50 |
American Journal of Biotechnology and Medical Research |
51 |
American Journal of Engineering Research |
52 |
American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products (Essential oil International Journal) |
53 |
American Journal of Innovative Research and Applied Sciences (AJIRAS) |
54 |
American Journal of Pharmacy and Health Research (AJPHR) |
55 |
American Journal of PharmTech Research (AJPTR) |
56 |
American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics |
57 |
American Journal of Research Communication (AJRC) |
58 |
American Journal of Scientific Research |
59 |
American Journal of Social issues and Humanities |
60 |
American Research Thoughts |
61 |
American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) |
62 |
American Transactions on Engineering & Applied Sciences |
63 |
Amoeba Journal |
64 |
An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology(COMPUSOFT) |
65 |
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências |
66 |
Anare Research Notes |
67 |
68 |
Anglisticum: International Journal of Literature, Linguistics & Interdisciplinary Studies |
69 |
Annals of British Medical Sciences (ABMS) |
70 |
Annals of Clinical Case Reports |
71 |
Annals of International Medical and Dental Research (AIMDR) |
72 |
Annals of Medical and Biomedical Sciences (AMBS) |
73 |
74 |
Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology |
75 |
Applied Research Journal |
76 |
ARC Journals |
77 |
Archipel |
78 |
Archives des Sciences |
79 |
Archives Des Sciences Journal |
80 |
Archives of Clinical and Experimental Surgery |
81 |
Arctic journal |
82 |
ARPN Journal of Science and Technology |
83 |
ARPN Journal of Systems and Software |
84 |
Asia Life Sciences |
85 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences (APJEAS) |
86 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research |
87 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Research |
88 |
Asian Journal of Applied Science and Engineering |
89 |
Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences |
90 |
Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences (AJBMS) |
91 |
Asian Journal of Chemistry |
92 |
Asian Journal of Health and Medical Sciences |
93 |
Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences |
94 |
Asian Journal of Mathematics and Applications |
95 |
Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies |
96 |
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences |
97 |
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care (AJPRHC) |
98 |
Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Life Science |
99 |
Asian Journal of Science and Technology (Science and Technology Asian Journal) |
100 |
Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences (APJHS) |
101 |
Asian Pacific Journal of Natural Products (APJNP) |
102 |
Asian Pacific Journal of Pharmacy and Phytochemistry (APJPP) |
103 |
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease |
104 |
Asian Research Journal of Business Management (ARJBM) |
105 |
Astronomical Review |
106 |
Aula Orientalis |
107 |
Australasian Journal of Herpetology |
108 |
Australasian Medical Journal |
109 |
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences |
110 |
Australian Journal of Business and Management Research (AJBMR) |
111 |
Australian Society for Commerce Industry & Engineering (SCIE) |
112 |
Aut Aut Research Journal |
113 |
Averroes European Medical Journal (Averroes EMJ) |
114 |
Axis Journals |
115 |
Ayer: Revista de Historia Contemporánea |
116 |
Ayupharm: International Journal of Ayurveda and Allied Sciences |
117 |
Ayushdhar |
118 |
Azania |
119 |
Azerbaijan medical journal |
120 |
Baltica Journal |
121 |
Basic Research Journals |
122 |
123 |
Best Journals |
124 |
Bio Bulletin |
125 |
Bioinformation |
126 |
127 |
BioIT international Journals (Bi International Journals) |
128 |
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Bulletin |
129 |
Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal |
130 |
Biomedical Engineering Review |
131 |
Bionano Frontier |
132 |
Biopharm Journal |
133 |
Bioresearch Bulletin |
134 |
Bioscience and Bioengineering Communications (BBC) |
135 |
136 |
Bioscience Discovery |
137 |
Biosciences International |
138 |
Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia (BBRA) |
139 |
Biotechnological Research |
140 |
Blue Jay Journal |
141 |
142 |
Bosal Journals |
143 |
Bothalia Journal |
144 |
Bradleya |
145 |
Bret Research Journals |
146 |
British Biomedical Bulletin |
147 |
British Journal |
148 |
British Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences |
149 |
British Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies |
150 |
British Journal of Medical and Health Research (BJMHR) |
151 |
British Journal of Science |
152 |
Buletin Teknologi Makanan |
153 |
Buletin Teknologi Tanaman |
154 |
Bulletin Monumental Journal |
155 |
Bulletin of Applied and Research Science (BARS) |
156 |
Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences (BEPLS) |
157 |
Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences & Applications |
158 |
Bulletin of National Institute of Health Sciences |
159 |
Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Research |
160 |
Bulletin of Society for Mathematical Services and Standards |
161 |
Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences |
162 |
Business and Economics Journal |
163 |
Business Journalz (BJ) |
164 |
Busqueret |
165 |
166 |
167 |
168 |
Calodema |
169 |
Canadian Chemical Transactions |
170 |
Canadian International Journal of Science and Technology |
171 |
Canadian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences |
172 |
Canadian Journal of Biotechnology |
173 |
Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences |
174 |
Canadian Scientific Journal |
175 |
Cancer Research Frontiers |
176 |
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine |
177 |
CARI Journals |
178 |
Caribbean Journal of Science and Technology |
179 |
Case Study and Case Report |
180 |
181 |
CCAMLR Science |
182 |
Cellular and Molecular Biology |
183 |
Centrum |
184 |
CEPAL Review |
185 |
Chemical and Process Engineering |
186 |
Chemical Modelling Journal |
187 |
Chemical Science Transactions |
188 |
Chemistry Research Journal |
189 |
Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics |
190 |
Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola/Ciencia E Tecnica Vitivinicola |
191 |
Cikitusi Journal for Multidisciplinary Research |
192 |
Cithara Journal |
193 |
Clinics in Oncology |
194 |
Clinics in Surgery |
195 |
Cloud Journals |
196 |
Columban Journal of Life Sciences |
197 |
Communications on Applied Electronics (CAE) |
198 |
Compliance Engineering Journal |
199 |
Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences |
200 |
Computational Research Progress in Applied Science & Engineering |
201 |
Computer Science Chronicle |
202 |
Computer Science Journal |
203 |
204 |
Contemporary Research in India |
205 |
Contemporary Sociological Global Review (CSGR) |
206 |
Contributions in Science |
207 |
Converter |
208 |
CRDEEP International Journals |
209 |
CREST Journals |
210 |
Cumhuriyet Science Journal |
211 |
Current Biotica |
212 |
Current Botany |
213 |
Current Discovery |
214 |
Current Trends in Technology and Sciences (CTTS) |
215 |
Cyber Journals |
216 |
DAV International Journal of Science (DAVIJS) |
217 |
Deccan Pharma Journals |
218 |
Degres Journal |
219 |
Der Pharma Chemica |
220 |
Design Engineering |
221 |
Dickensian |
222 |
Didactic Journals |
223 |
Direct Research Journals |
224 |
Discourse Journals |
225 |
Diyala Journal for Pure Science (DJPS) |
226 |
Dogo Rangsang Research Journal (D.R S. Research Journal) |
227 |
Donnish Journals |
228 |
Doriana |
229 |
Dorma Journals |
230 |
Drewno Journal |
231 |
DU Journal Published By Verlad Niggli AG (VNA) |
232 |
E Library Science Research Journal |
233 |
Earth Journals |
234 |
East European Science Journal (Czasopismo Naukowe) |
235 |
Eastern Academic Journal |
236 |
Eastern European Scientific Journal |
237 |
eCanadian Journals |
238 |
Ecoforum |
239 |
Ecoletra.com Scientific eJournal |
240 |
241 |
Education Journal |
242 |
Education Reform Journal |
243 |
EDUVED Global Management Research (GMR) |
244 |
Eduved, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research |
245 |
Electronic Journal of Biology (eJBio) |
246 |
Electronic Journal of Engineering and Technology (EJET) |
247 |
Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges |
248 |
Electronics Information & Planning |
249 |
Elixir International Journal (formerly Elixir Online Journal) |
250 |
Emergencias |
251 |
Engineering & IT Journal (EIT Journal) |
252 |
Engineering Physics and Thermodynamics Journal |
253 |
Engineering Research Journal |
254 |
255 |
EPH Journal |
256 |
Ephemera: revue d’éphéméroptérologie |
257 |
Epistemologia |
258 |
ESSENCE: International Journal for Environmental Rehabilitation and Conservation |
259 |
Euro Afro Journal of Arts and Social Sciences (EAJASS) |
260 |
261 |
European Academic Research |
262 |
European Chemical Bulletin (ECB) |
263 |
European Environmental Sciences and Ecology Journal |
264 |
European International Journal of Science and Humanities (EIJSH) |
265 |
European International Journal of Science and Technology |
266 |
European Journal of Academic Essays (EJAE) |
267 |
European Journal of Advanced Computer Science (EJACS) |
268 |
European Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology (EJAET) |
269 |
European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (EJBPS) |
270 |
European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience |
271 |
European Journal of Business and Social Sciences (EJBSS) |
272 |
European Journal of Chemistry (EurJChem) |
273 |
European Journal of Contemporary Economics and Management(EJCEM, EJEM) |
274 |
European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences |
275 |
European Journal of Educational Research (EUJER) |
276 |
European Journal of Educational Sciences (EJES) |
277 |
European Journal of Engineering Research and Science (EJERS) |
278 |
European Journal of Natural History (EJNH) |
279 |
European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (EJPMR) |
280 |
European Journal of Science and Theology |
281 |
European Journal of Scientific Research |
282 |
European Journal of Social Sciences |
283 |
European Journal of Sustainable Development |
284 |
European Law and Politics Journal (ELPJ) |
285 |
European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences |
286 |
European Scientific Journal |
287 |
European-American Journals |
288 |
289 |
290 |
First Independent Scientific Journal |
291 |
FLUIDS: International Journal of Medical Fluid Management |
292 |
Food Biology |
293 |
FOREX Technical Journal Library |
294 |
295 |
296 |
Frontiers in Aerospace Engineering |
297 |
Frontiers in Life Science |
298 |
Functional Analysis: Theory, Method & Applications (FATMA) |
299 |
G & O (Gedrag & Organisatie) |
300 |
G Journal of Education, Social Science and Humanities (GJESH) |
301 |
G Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (GJEST) |
302 |
GaBI Journal |
303 |
304 |
Galaxy: International Multidisciplinary Research Journal |
305 |
306 |
Genes & Cancer |
307 |
Genetics and Molecular Research |
308 |
Geodynamics Research International Bulletin (GRIB) |
309 |
GIS Business |
310 |
GIS Science Journal |
311 |
Global Advanced Research Journals |
312 |
Global Business & Finance Review |
313 |
Global Business Research Journals |
314 |
Global Journal for Research Analysis (GJRA) |
315 |
Global Journal of Advanced Engineering Technologies and Sciences(GJAETS) |
316 |
Global Journal of Advanced Research (GJAR) |
317 |
Global Journal of Animal Scientific Research (GJASR) |
318 |
Global Journal of Business and Social Science (GJBSS) |
319 |
Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review (GJBSSR) |
320 |
Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management(GJESRM) |
321 |
Global Journal of Management Science and Technology |
322 |
Global Journal of Medical and Health Sciences (GJM) |
323 |
Global Journal of Medicine and Public Health |
324 |
Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (GJMS) |
325 |
Global Media Journal |
326 |
Global Open Journals |
327 |
Global Publication House International Journals |
328 |
Global Scholastic Research Journal |
329 |
GMP Review |
330 |
Golden Research Thoughts |
331 |
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science |
332 |
333 |
Gorteria Journal |
334 |
Gradiva Review Journal |
335 |
Greener Journals |
336 |
HCTL Open International Journal of Technology Innovations and Research (IJTIR) |
337 |
Hermes Journal France |
338 |
339 |
High Technology Letters |
340 |
Hind AgriHorticultural Society (HAHS ; HIND Institutes ; Research Journals) |
341 |
Hiperboreea Journal |
342 |
Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences |
343 |
Horizon Journals |
344 |
HortFlora Research Spectrum (HRS) |
345 |
Hospital Materials Management |
346 |
Hunan Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences |
347 |
Hygeia: Journal for Drugs and Medicines |
348 |
IARS’ International Research Journal (I’IRJ) |
349 |
Ideal Journal of Arts and Humanities (IJAH) |
350 |
Ideal Journal of Economics and Management Sciences (IJEMS) |
351 |
Ideal Journal of Education and Policy Studies (IJEPAS) |
352 |
Ideal Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS) |
353 |
Ideal Journal of Psychology and Theology (IJOPAT) |
354 |
Ideal Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (IJESAM) |
355 |
Iheringia Série Botânica |
356 |
Indian Journal of Advanced Nursing (IJAN) |
357 |
Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science (IJACS) |
358 |
Indian Journal of Applied Basic Medical Sciences |
359 |
Indian Journal of Applied Research |
360 |
Indian Journal of Drugs |
361 |
Indian Journal of Medical Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences(IJMRPS) |
362 |
Indian Journal of Natural Sciences (IJONS) |
363 |
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research (IJPBR) |
364 |
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science & Research (IJPSR) |
365 |
Indian Journal of Research Anvikshiki |
366 |
Indian Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biotechnology (IJRPB) |
367 |
Indian Journal of Scientific Research (IJSR) |
368 |
Indian Journal of Scientific Research and Technology (INDJSRT) |
369 |
Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science |
370 |
Indian Scholar |
371 |
Indian Streams Research Journal |
372 |
Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research |
373 |
Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (IAJPS) |
374 |
Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
375 |
Industrial Science Journal |
376 |
Infokara Research |
377 |
Informatica |
378 |
INFORMATION An International Interdisciplinary Journal |
379 |
Innovations |
380 |
Innovations in Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacotherapy (IPP) |
381 |
Innovative Journals |
382 |
Innovative Space of Scientific Research (ISSR Journals) |
383 |
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Advanced Journal(IEEEAJ) |
384 |
Integrated Journal of British (IJBRITISH) |
385 |
Interciencia Association |
386 |
Interciencia Journal |
387 |
Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business |
388 |
Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business (IDJRB) |
389 |
Interdisciplinary Toxicology (interTOX) |
390 |
Internal Medicine Review |
391 |
International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology (IARJSET) |
392 |
International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research (IABCR) |
393 |
International Archives of Medicine |
394 |
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal (IAMJ) |
395 |
International Biology Review |
396 |
International Bulletin of Business Administration (Bulletin International d’Administration des Entreprises) |
397 |
International Cardiovascular Forum (ICF) also here |
398 |
International Chemistry Review |
399 |
International Design Journal |
400 |
International Economic Letters |
401 |
International Education and Research Journal |
402 |
International Education Journal |
403 |
International Educational E Journal |
404 |
International Educational Scientific Research Journal |
405 |
International eJournals |
406 |
International Interdisciplinary Journal of Scientific Research (IIJSR) |
407 |
International Invention Journals |
408 |
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and Research (IJMETMR) |
409 |
International Journal Advances in Social Science and Humanities(IJASSH) |
410 |
International Journal and Bulletin of Multidisciplinary Research (IJBMR) |
411 |
International Journal for Advanced Review and Research in Pharmacy(IJARRP) |
412 |
International Journal for Development of Computer Science and Technology (IJDCST) |
413 |
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research (IJIER) |
414 |
International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field(IJIRMF) |
415 |
International Journal for Innovative Research in Science and Technology (IJIRST) |
416 |
International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology(IJMTST) |
417 |
International Journal for Pharmaceutical Research Scholars (IJPRS) |
418 |
International Journal for Research & Development in Technology(IJRDT) |
419 |
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) |
420 |
International Journal for Research in Emerging Science and Technology(IJREST) |
421 |
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) |
422 |
International Journal for Scientific Research & Development |
423 |
International Journal for Technological Research in Engineering (IJTRE) |
424 |
International Journal of Abdominal Research (IJAR) |
425 |
International Journal of Academic Research |
426 |
International Journal of Academic Research (IJAR) |
427 |
International Journal of Academic Studies (IJAS) |
428 |
International Journal of Advance Computing Techniques and Applications (IJACTA) |
429 |
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD) |
430 |
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer(IJAFRC) |
431 |
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Science and Engineering (IJAFRSE) |
432 |
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation |
433 |
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) |
434 |
International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science And Management Studies (IJARCSMS) |
435 |
International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering(IJARSE) |
436 |
International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology (IJARIIT) |
437 |
International Journal of Advanced Academic Research (IJAAR) |
438 |
International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences (IJAAS) |
439 |
International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research (IJAIR) |
440 |
International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology (IJACT) |
441 |
International Journal of Advanced Education and Research (IJMRD) |
442 |
International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management Research (IJAEMR) |
443 |
International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Nano Technology(IJAENT) |
444 |
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications |
445 |
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Applications (IJA ERA) |
446 |
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science(IJAERS) |
447 |
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Science and Technological Research (IJAESTR) |
448 |
International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) |
449 |
International Journal of Advanced Information in Arts Science and Management (IJAIASM) |
450 |
International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology(IJAIST) |
451 |
International Journal of Advanced Life Sciences |
452 |
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) |
453 |
International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications (IJANA) |
454 |
International Journal of Advanced Research |
455 |
International Journal of Advanced Research and Review (IJARR) |
456 |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Science and Technology (IJARAST) |
457 |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences(IJARBS) |
458 |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology, Ecology, Science and Technology (IJARBEST) |
459 |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE) |
460 |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science & Technology (IJARCST) |
461 |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJARCSEE) |
462 |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE) |
463 |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Education & Technology(IJARET) |
464 |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE) |
465 |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Management (IJAREM) |
466 |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Science(IJARES) |
467 |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Mechanical Engineering & Technology (IJARMET) |
468 |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Technology(IJARST) |
469 |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJARSET) |
470 |
International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering Technology(IJASET) |
471 |
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology |
472 |
International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research & Development(IJASRD) |
473 |
International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Research (IJATER) |
474 |
International Journal of Advanced Technology and Innovative Research(IJATIR) |
475 |
International Journal of Advanced Technology and Science (IJATS) |
476 |
International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science (IJATES) |
477 |
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Applications(IJATCA) |
478 |
International Journal of Advancement in Engineering Technology, Management & Applied Science (IJAETMAS) |
479 |
International Journal of Advancements in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering |
480 |
International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology(IJOART) |
481 |
International Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (IJAAMM) |
482 |
International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJAET) |
483 |
International Journal of Advances in Engineering (IJAE) |
484 |
International Journal of Advances in Interdisciplinary Research (IJAIDR) |
485 |
International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics(IJAME) |
486 |
International Journal of Advances in Management, Economics and Entrepreneurship (IJAMEE) |
487 |
International Journal of Advances in Mathematics |
488 |
International Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Research |
489 |
International Journal of Advances in Power Systems (IJAPS) |
490 |
International Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities(IJASSH) |
491 |
International Journal of Advent Research in Computer and Electronics(IJARCE) |
492 |
International Journal of Aerospace and Medical Engineering |
493 |
International Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine(IJASVM) |
494 |
International Journal of Agricultural, Forestry & Plantation (IJAFP) |
495 |
International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences (IJACS) |
496 |
International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research(IJAER) |
497 |
International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research (IJAIR) |
498 |
International Journal of Agronomy & Plant Production |
499 |
International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods(IJARESM) |
500 |
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) |
501 |
International Journal of Applied and Pure Science and Agriculture(IJAPSA) |
502 |
International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology(IJABPT) |
503 |
International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences |
504 |
International Journal of Applied Economic Studies |
505 |
International Journal of Applied Information Systems (IJIAS) |
506 |
International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature (IJALEL) |
507 |
International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical & Biological Research(IJAPBR) |
508 |
International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biological Sciences (IJAPSBS) |
509 |
International Journal of Applied Research |
510 |
International Journal of Applied Research & Studies (iJARS) |
511 |
International Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products (IJARNP) |
512 |
International Journal of Applied Science Engineering and Management(IJASEM) |
513 |
International Journal of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology (IJASBT) |
514 |
International Journal of Applied Sciences and Engineering |
515 |
International Journal of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Design (IJACU) |
516 |
International Journal of Art and Humanity Science (IJAHS) |
517 |
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Mechatronics |
518 |
International Journal of Arts and Commerce |
519 |
International Journal of Arts and Entrepreneurship (IJAE) |
520 |
International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences (IJAHSS) |
521 |
International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Management Studies(IJAHMS) |
522 |
International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research |
523 |
International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry |
524 |
International Journal of Basic and Applied Science (IBJAS) |
525 |
International Journal of Basic Medical Sciences and Pharmacy (IJBMSP) |
526 |
International Journal of Basic Sciences and Applied Computing (IJBSAC) |
527 |
International Journal of Basic Sciences and Applied Research (IJBSAR) |
528 |
International Journal of Bio (IJOBIO) |
529 |
International Journal of Bioassays |
530 |
International Journal of Biological & Pharmaceutical Research (IJBPR) |
531 |
International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences (IJBCS) |
532 |
International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering |
533 |
International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences (IJBPAS) |
534 |
International Journal of Biomedical Science |
535 |
International Journal of Biosciences and Nanosciences (IJBSANS) |
536 |
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review(IJBARR) |
537 |
International Journal of Business and Commerce |
538 |
International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI) |
539 |
International Journal of Business and Social Research |
540 |
International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research(IJBMER) |
541 |
International Journal of Business Management and Economic Studies(IJBMES) |
542 |
International Journal of Business Marketing and Management (IJBMM) |
543 |
International Journal of Business Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research |
544 |
International Journal of Business Tourism & Applied Sciences |
545 |
International Journal of Case Studies |
546 |
International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJCPS) |
547 |
International Journal of Chemical Science and Technology (IJCST) |
548 |
International Journal of Chemical Studies (IJCS) |
549 |
International Journal of Civil, Mechanical and Energy Science (IJCMES) |
550 |
International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (IJCDR) |
551 |
International Journal of Clinical Cases and Investigations (IJCCI) |
552 |
International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health (IJCRIMPH) |
553 |
International Journal of Commerce and Management Research |
554 |
International Journal of Communication and Health |
555 |
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) |
556 |
International Journal of Comprehensive Research in Biological Sciences(IJCRBS) |
557 |
International Journal of Computation and Applied Sciences (IJOCAAS) |
558 |
International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER) |
559 |
International Journal of Computational Science, Mathematics and Engineering (IJCSME) |
560 |
International Journal of Computer & Communication Engineering Research (IJCCER) |
561 |
International Journal of Computer & Electronics Research (IJCER) |
562 |
International Journal of Computer and Information Technology (IJCIT) |
563 |
International Journal of Computer Application and Engineering Technology (IJCAET) |
564 |
International Journal of Computer Applications |
565 |
International Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering Sciences(IJCAES) |
566 |
International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research (IJCATR) |
567 |
International Journal of Computer Engineering & Applications (IJCEA) |
568 |
International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends(IJCERT) |
569 |
International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications (IJCNA) |
570 |
International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security (IJCNCS) |
571 |
International Journal of Computer Science & Communication Security(IJCSCS) |
572 |
International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics |
573 |
International Journal of Computer Science and Communication Networks (IJCSCN) |
574 |
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security |
575 |
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies |
576 |
International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing(IJCSMC) |
577 |
International Journal of Computer Science and Network (IJCSN) |
578 |
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security(IJCSNS) |
579 |
International Journal of Computer Science and Software Engineering(IJCSSE) |
580 |
International Journal of Computer Science and Technology (IJCST) |
581 |
International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications(IJCST) |
582 |
International Journal of Computer Science Engineering (IJCSE) |
583 |
International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Technology(IJCSET) |
584 |
International Journal of Computer Science Issues |
585 |
International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology(IJCST) |
586 |
International Journal of Computer Science, Information Technology, & Security (IJCSITS) |
587 |
International Journal of Computer Systems (IJCS) |
588 |
International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications (IJCTA) |
589 |
International Journal of Computer Technology and Electronics Engineering (IJCTEE) |
590 |
International Journal of Computing Academic Research (IJCAR) |
591 |
International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research (IJCCR) |
592 |
International Journal of Computing Science and Information Technology (IJCSIT) |
593 |
International Journal of Conference Proceedings |
594 |
International Journal of Contemporary Applied Sciences (IJCAS) |
595 |
International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research (IJCMR) |
596 |
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review (IJCRR) |
597 |
International Journal of Control and Automation |
598 |
International Journal of Core Engineering and Management (IJCEM) |
599 |
International Journal of Current Advanced Research |
600 |
International Journal of Current Agricultural Sciences (IJCAR) |
601 |
International Journal of Current Business and Social Sciences (IJCBSS) |
602 |
International Journal of Current Engineering Sciences (IJCES) |
603 |
International Journal of Current Innovation Research (IJCIR) |
604 |
International Journal of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical Research(CMPR) |
605 |
International Journal of Current Medical Sciences |
606 |
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences |
607 |
International Journal of Current Multidisciplinary Studies |
608 |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research |
609 |
International Journal of Current Research |
610 |
International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review(IJCRAR) |
611 |
International Journal of Current Research and Review |
612 |
International Journal of Current Research in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJCRCPS) |
613 |
International Journal of Current Research in Life Sciences (IJCRLS) |
614 |
International Journal of Current Research in Multidisciplinary (IJCRM) |
615 |
International Journal of Current Science |
616 |
International Journal of Current Science and Technology |
617 |
International Journal of Dental and Health Sciences |
618 |
International Journal of Dermatopathology and Surgery (IJDS) |
619 |
International Journal of Development and Sustainability (IJDS) |
620 |
International Journal of Development Research |
621 |
International Journal of Digital Communication and Networks (IJDCN) |
622 |
International Journal of Digital Library Services (IJODLS) |
623 |
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity |
624 |
International Journal of Drug Development and Research (IJDDR) |
625 |
International Journal of E Computer Science Evolution |
626 |
International Journal of Economics and Finance (IJEF) |
627 |
International Journal of Economics and Research |
628 |
International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management(IJECM) |
629 |
International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management |
630 |
International Journal of Education and Applied Research (IJEAR) |
631 |
International Journal of Education and Psychological Research (IJEPR) |
632 |
International Journal of Education and Research |
633 |
International Journal of Education and Social Science (IJESS) |
634 |
International Journal of Educational Investigations (IJEI) |
635 |
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IJEEE) |
636 |
International Journal of Electrical Energy (IJOEE) |
637 |
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computers (EEC Journal) |
638 |
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Mechanical Controls(IJEEMC) |
639 |
International Journal of Electrochemical Science |
640 |
International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology(IJECT) |
641 |
International Journal of Electronics and Information Engineering (IJEIE) |
642 |
International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering |
643 |
International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology (IJECCT) |
644 |
International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology (IJEERT) |
645 |
International Journal of Emerging Research in Management and Technology (IJERMT) |
646 |
International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE) |
647 |
International Journal of Emerging Sciences (IJES) |
648 |
International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) |
649 |
International Journal of Emerging Technology & Research (IJETR) |
650 |
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering |
651 |
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics(IJETEE) |
652 |
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences(IJETPS) |
653 |
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Research (IJOETR) |
654 |
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology(IJETST) |
655 |
International Journal of Energy & Technology |
656 |
International Journal of Energy and Water Resources (IJEWR) |
657 |
International Journal of Engineering & Science Research (IJESR) |
658 |
International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET) |
659 |
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Research Technology (IJEART) |
660 |
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) |
661 |
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences |
662 |
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences |
663 |
International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science (IJECS) |
664 |
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) |
665 |
International Journal of Engineering and Management Research(IJEMR) |
666 |
International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention (IJESI) |
667 |
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) |
668 |
International Journal of Engineering Applied Science and Technology(IJEAST) |
669 |
International Journal of Engineering Associates (IJEA) |
670 |
International Journal of Engineering Development and Research (IJEDR |
671 |
International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Research (IJEIR) |
672 |
International Journal of Engineering Inventions (IJEI) |
673 |
International Journal of Engineering Maths and Computer Science |
674 |
International Journal of Engineering Research |
675 |
International Journal of Engineering Research & Management (IJERM) |
676 |
International Journal of Engineering Research & Science (IJOER) |
677 |
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) |
678 |
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) |
679 |
International Journal of Engineering Research and Computer Science (IJERCS) |
680 |
International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (IJERD) |
681 |
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science (iJERGS) |
682 |
International Journal of Engineering Research and Science & Technology (IJERST) |
683 |
International Journal of Engineering Researches and Management Studies (IJERMS) |
684 |
International Journal of Engineering Science & Advanced Technology |
685 |
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing (IJESC) |
686 |
International Journal of Engineering Science and Generic Research(IJESAR) |
687 |
International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology(IJESIT) |
688 |
International Journal of Engineering Science Invention Research & Development (IJESIRD) |
689 |
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Management (IJESMR) |
690 |
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology(IJESRT) |
691 |
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research (IJETMR) |
692 |
International Journal of Engineering Technology and Computer Research (IJETCR) |
693 |
International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management(IJETM) |
694 |
International Journal of Engineering Technology and Scientific Innovation (IJETSI) |
695 |
International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences (IJETMAS) |
696 |
International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) |
697 |
International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) |
698 |
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology |
699 |
International Journal of English and Education |
700 |
International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies (IJ ELTS) |
701 |
International Journal of English Language , Literature & Humanities(IJELLH) |
702 |
International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translation Studies |
703 |
International Journal of English Research |
704 |
International Journal of Enterprise Computing and Business Systems(IJECBS) |
705 |
International Journal of Environment |
706 |
International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology(IJEAB) |
707 |
International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research |
708 |
International Journal of Environmental Science and Development(IJESD) |
709 |
International Journal of Farming and Allied Sciences |
710 |
International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies (IJFBS) |
711 |
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies |
712 |
International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IJFANS) |
713 |
International Journal of Fundamental & Applied Sciences |
714 |
International Journal of Game Theory |
715 |
International Journal of Global Communications (IJGC) |
716 |
International Journal of Global Ideas (IJGI) |
717 |
International Journal of Governance |
718 |
International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry (IJGHC) |
719 |
International Journal of Health Research |
720 |
International Journal of Health Research in Modern Integrated Medical Sciences (IJHRMIMS) |
721 |
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research |
722 |
International Journal of Herbal Medicine |
723 |
International Journal of Hindi Research |
724 |
International Journal of History, Arts and Culture (IJHAC) |
725 |
International Journal of Home Science |
726 |
International Journal of Human Resource and Procurement (IJHRP) |
727 |
International Journal of Human Sciences |
728 |
International Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (JHSS) |
729 |
International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS) |
730 |
International Journal of Humanities and Religion |
731 |
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI) |
732 |
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research |
733 |
International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and Pharmaceutical Sciences |
734 |
International Journal of Indian Psychology |
735 |
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research |
736 |
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Trends (IJICTT) |
737 |
International Journal of Information and Computing Science |
738 |
International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET) |
739 |
International Journal of Information Research |
740 |
International Journal of Information Research and Review (IJIRR) |
741 |
International Journal of Information Sources and Services: A Research Journal in Library Science (IJSS) |
742 |
International Journal of Information Technology & Business Management |
743 |
International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science(IJITCS) |
744 |
International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE) |
745 |
International Journal of Informative and Futuristic Research (IJIFR) |
746 |
International Journal of Innovation and Research in Educational Sciences (IJIRES) |
747 |
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics (IJISM) |
748 |
International Journal of Innovation Research (IJIR) |
749 |
International Journal of Innovation Science and Research (IJISR) |
750 |
International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology(IJIET) |
751 |
International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Research and Technology (IJIERT) |
752 |
International Journal of Innovative and Applied Research (IJIAR) |
753 |
International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering (IJIERE) |
754 |
International Journal of Innovative Computer Science & Engineering(IJICSE) |
755 |
International Journal of Innovative Concepts in Research (IJICR) |
756 |
International Journal of Innovative Ideas |
757 |
International Journal of Innovative Interdisciplinary Research |
758 |
International Journal of Innovative Pharmaceutical Research (IJIPR) |
759 |
International Journal of Innovative Research & Advanced Studies(IJIRAS) |
760 |
International Journal of Innovative Research & Studies |
761 |
International Journal of Innovative Research and Creative Technology(IJIRCT) |
762 |
International Journal of Innovative Research and Development |
763 |
International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies |
764 |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering(IJRAE) |
765 |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJIRCCE) |
766 |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology (IJIRCST) |
767 |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering (IJIREEICE) |
768 |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences (IJIRMPS) |
769 |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management (IJIREM) |
770 |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science(IJIRMS) |
771 |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science and Engineering (IJIRSE) |
772 |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET) |
773 |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology & Science(IJIRTS) |
774 |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology (IJIRT) |
775 |
International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering(IJISME) |
776 |
International Journal of Innovative Science Engineering and Technology(IJISET) |
777 |
International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sciences and Engineering Technology (IJISSET) |
778 |
International Journal of Innovative Technologies (IJIT) |
779 |
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) |
780 |
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Research |
781 |
International Journal of Innovative Trends in Engineering (IJITE) |
782 |
International Journal of Integrated Computer Applications & Research(IJICAR) |
783 |
International Journal of Integrated Medical Research (IJOIMR) |
784 |
International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies(IJIMS) |
785 |
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies |
786 |
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Science, Society and Culture (IJIRSSC) |
787 |
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Scientific Research |
788 |
International Journal of Inventions in Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJIPS) |
789 |
International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES) |
790 |
International Journal of Language and Applied Linguistics (IJLAL) |
791 |
International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World |
792 |
International Journal of Language Sciences (IntJLS) |
793 |
International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics (IJLLL) |
794 |
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Computing(IJLREC) |
795 |
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology(IJLRET) |
796 |
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS) |
797 |
International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology(IJLTET) |
798 |
International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (IJLTEST) |
799 |
International Journal of Law and Legal Jurisprudence Studies (IJllJS) |
800 |
International Journal of Law and Management Studies (IJLMS) |
801 |
International Journal of Law Research |
802 |
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research |
803 |
International Journal of Liberal Arts & Social Science [last word also appears as “Sciences”] |
804 |
International Journal of Life science and Pharma Research |
805 |
International Journal of Life Sciences Biotechnology and Pharma Research (IJLBPR) |
806 |
International Journal of Life Sciences Scientific Research (IJLSSR) |
807 |
International Journal of Linguistics, Social and Natural Sciences |
808 |
International Journal of Livestock Research |
809 |
International Journal of Management and Business Studies (IJMBS) |
810 |
International Journal of Management and Research (IJMR) |
811 |
International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review (IJMSRR) |
812 |
International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy(IJMRBS) |
813 |
International Journal of Management Research and Review (IJMRR) |
814 |
International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research(IJMSBR) |
815 |
International Journal of Management, Accounting & Economics (IJMAE)(IJMA) |
816 |
International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences(IJMESS) |
817 |
International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering |
818 |
International Journal of Mathematical Archive (IJMA) |
819 |
International Journal of Mathematical Research & Science |
820 |
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Applications (IJMSA) |
821 |
International Journal of Mathematics And Computer Research (IJMCR) |
822 |
International Journal of Mathematics and Soft Computing (IJMSC) |
823 |
International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Invention (IJMSI) |
824 |
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (IJMEIT |
825 |
International Journal of Medical and Health Research (IJMHR) |
826 |
International Journal Of Medical and Health Sciences |
827 |
International Journal of Medical Research |
828 |
International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS) |
829 |
International Journal of Medical Research & Review (IJMRR) |
830 |
International Journal of Medical Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences(IJMRPS) |
831 |
International Journal of Medical Research Professionals (IJMRP) |
832 |
International Journal of Medical Science and Education (IJMSE) |
833 |
International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health (IJMSPH) |
834 |
International Journal of Medical Science Research and Practice (IJMSRP) |
835 |
International Journal of Medical Sciences and Health Care (IJMSHC) |
836 |
International Journal of Medical Students (IJMS) |
837 |
International Journal of Medicine and Biosciences |
838 |
International Journal of Medicobiologial Research |
839 |
International Journal of MediPharm Research (IJOMR) |
840 |
International Journal of Modern Chemistry and Applied Science |
841 |
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) |
842 |
International Journal of Modern Sciences and Engineering Technology(IJMSET) |
843 |
International Journal of Mosquito Research |
844 |
International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research (IJMCR) |
845 |
International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Scientific Emerging Research (IJMSER) also here |
846 |
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education and Research(IJMER) |
847 |
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research (IJMER) |
848 |
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Health Sciences |
849 |
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development |
850 |
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Information |
851 |
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education |
852 |
International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research and Review (IJMRR) |
853 |
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review (IJMDRR) |
854 |
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering(IJMSE) |
855 |
International Journal of Nanofluids and Nanoparticles |
856 |
International Journal of Network Security (IJNS) |
857 |
International Journal of Network Service and Technologies (IJNST) |
858 |
International Journal of New Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJNIET) |
859 |
International Journal of New Technologies in Science and Engineering(IJNTSE) |
860 |
International Journal of New Technology and Research |
861 |
International Journal of New Trends in Arts, Sports & Science Education(IJTASE) |
862 |
International Journal of Novel Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences(IJNTPS) |
863 |
International Journal of Nursing |
864 |
International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research (IJOGR) |
865 |
International Journal of Oncology Science (IJOS) |
866 |
International Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research (IJOHMR) |
867 |
International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences (IJOS) |
868 |
International Journal of Pediatrics |
869 |
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences (IJPBS) |
870 |
International Journal of Pharma Professional’s Research |
871 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical & Research Science (IJPRS Journal) |
872 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science Archive(IJPBA) |
873 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research |
874 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research |
875 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Phytopharmacological Research (eIJPPR) |
876 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance and Pharmaceutical Analysis |
877 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications(IJPRA) |
878 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Bioscience(IJPRBS) |
879 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development(IJPRD) |
880 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention (IJPSI) |
881 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Business Management |
882 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research |
883 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (IJPSR) |
884 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Letters (IJPSL) |
885 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research |
886 |
International Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Health Care Research(IJPHR) |
887 |
International Journal of Pharmacognosy (IJP) |
888 |
International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research(IJPPR) |
889 |
International Journal of Pharmacology and Physiology (IJPP) |
890 |
International Journal of Pharmacy |
891 |
International Journal of Pharmacy & Industrial Research (IJPIR) |
892 |
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research (IJPPR) |
893 |
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Int J Pharm Pharm Sci) |
894 |
International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology (IJPT) |
895 |
International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health |
896 |
International Journal of Physiotherapy (IJPHY) |
897 |
International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences |
898 |
International Journal of Power Electronics Engineering |
899 |
International Journal of Precious Engineering Research and Applications(IJPERA) |
900 |
International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied Sciences (IJPPAS) |
901 |
International Journal of Psycho Educational Sciences |
902 |
International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Research (IJPBR) |
903 |
International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies (IJPES) |
904 |
International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB) |
905 |
International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology (IJPAZ) |
906 |
International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research(IJRAMR) |
907 |
International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology (IJRDET) |
908 |
International Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development(IJRERD) |
909 |
International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies (IJRRAS) |
910 |
International Journal of Recent Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJRRSET) |
911 |
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research |
912 |
International Journal of Recent Surgical and Medical Sciences (IJRSMS) |
913 |
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) |
914 |
International Journal of Recent Trends in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (IJRTE) |
915 |
International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research(IJRTER) |
916 |
International Journal of Remote Sensing and Geoscience (IJRSG) |
917 |
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER) |
918 |
International Journal of Research |
919 |
International Journal of Research and Current Development (IJRCD) |
920 |
International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences (IJRDPL) |
921 |
International Journal of Research and Development in Technology & Management Sciences Kailash (IJRDTM Kailash) |
922 |
International Journal of Research and Engineering (IJRE) |
923 |
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Computer Engineering (IJRICE) |
924 |
International Journal of Research and Science Publication (IJRSP) |
925 |
International Journal of Research Culture Society (IJRCS) |
926 |
International Journal of Research Development (IJORD) |
927 |
International Journal of Research GRANTHAALAYAH |
928 |
International Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering and Technology |
929 |
International Journal of Research In Advanced Engineering Technologies (IJRAET) |
930 |
International Journal of Research in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering (IJRAME) |
931 |
International Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences (IJRAS) |
932 |
International Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry (IJRAF) |
933 |
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy IJRAP |
934 |
International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management(IJRBSM) |
935 |
International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology |
936 |
International Journal of Research in Computer Engineering & Electronics (IJRCEE) |
937 |
International Journal of Research in Computer Science |
938 |
International Journal of Research in Computer Technology |
939 |
International Journal of Research in Education and Science |
940 |
International Journal of Research in Education and Social Science(IJRESS) |
941 |
International Journal of Research in Electronics & Communication Technology (IJRECT) |
942 |
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJREAT) |
943 |
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJREAS) |
944 |
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES) |
945 |
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology(IJRET) |
946 |
International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences(IJRHSS) |
947 |
International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS) |
948 |
International Journal of Research in Management & Business Studies(IJRMBS) |
949 |
International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJRMET) |
950 |
International Journal of Research in Medical & Applied Sciences(IJRMAS) |
951 |
International Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Sciences |
952 |
International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biosciences (IJRPB) |
953 |
International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Science (IJRPS) |
954 |
International Journal of Research in Science & Engineering (IJRISE) |
955 |
International Journal of Research in Science & Technology (IJRST) |
956 |
International Journal of Research in Wireless Systems (IJRWS) |
957 |
International Journal of Research Methodology (IJRM) |
958 |
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology (IJRPET) |
959 |
International Journal of Research Science and Management (IJRSM) |
960 |
International Journal of Review in Applied and Social Sciences (IJRASS) |
961 |
International Journal of Review in Life Sciences (IJRLS) Also: Hijacked version |
962 |
International Journal of Reviews in Computing |
963 |
International Journal of Reviews, Surveys and Research (IJRSR) |
964 |
International Journal of Sanskrit Research |
965 |
International Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research(IJSDR) |
966 |
International Journal of Science & Technology (IJST) |
967 |
International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (IJSAT) |
968 |
International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA) |
969 |
International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations (IJSEI) |
970 |
International Journal of Science and Research |
971 |
International Journal of Science and Research Methodology (IJSRM) |
972 |
International Journal of Science and Technology |
973 |
International Journal of Science Commerce and Humanities (IJSCH) |
974 |
International Journal of Science Culture and Sport (IntJSCS) |
975 |
International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology(IJSEAT) |
976 |
International Journal of Science Environment and Technology |
977 |
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries |
978 |
International Journal Of Science Technology & Management (IJSTM) |
979 |
International Journal of Science Technology and Engineering |
980 |
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research(IJSETR) |
981 |
International Journal of Sciences (IJSciences) |
982 |
International Journal of Sciences and Applied Research (IJSAR) |
983 |
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (IJSTR) |
984 |
International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER) |
985 |
International Journal of Scientific and Research (IJSR) |
986 |
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP) |
987 |
International Journal of Scientific and Technical Advancements (IJSTA) |
988 |
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science(IJSEAS) |
989 |
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology |
990 |
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research(IJSETR) |
991 |
International Journal of Scientific Progress & Research (IJSPR) |
992 |
International Journal of Scientific Research & Management Studies(IJSRMS) |
993 |
International Journal of Scientific Research (IJScR) |
994 |
International Journal of Scientific Research (IJSR) |
995 |
International Journal of Scientific Research and Application (IJSRA Publishing) |
996 |
International Journal Of Scientific Research And Education (IJSRE) |
997 |
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Trends(IJSRET) |
998 |
International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology(IJSRIT) |
999 |
International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM) |
1000 |
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review |
1001 |
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review |
1002 |
International Journal of Scientific Research in Education |
1003 |
International Journal of Scientific Research in Information Systems and Engineering (IJSRISE) |
1004 |
International Journal of Scientific Study |
1005 |
International Journal of Signal Processing Systems (IJSPS) |
1006 |
International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research (IJSSER) |
1007 |
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity (IJSSH) |
1008 |
International Journal of Social Sciences and Education (IJSSE) |
1009 |
International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship (IJSSE) |
1010 |
International Journal of Society and Technology |
1011 |
International Journal of Society, Culture & Language (IJSCL) |
1012 |
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering |
1013 |
International Journal of Special Education |
1014 |
International Journal of Sport Studies (IJSS) |
1015 |
International Journal of Sustainable Development SEE OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development |
1016 |
International Journal of Teacher Educational Research (IJTER) |
1017 |
International Journal of Technical Research and Applications (IJTRA) |
1018 |
International Journal of Technical Research and Innovation (IJTRI) |
1019 |
International Journal of Technology and Computing (IJTC) |
1020 |
International Journal of Technology Enhancements and Emerging Engineering Research (IJTEEE) |
1021 |
International Journal of Technology, Education, and Resource Management (IJTERM) |
1022 |
International Journal of Technology, Management and Humanities(IJTMH) |
1023 |
International Journal of Therapeutic Applications (IJTA) |
1024 |
International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research |
1025 |
International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD) |
1026 |
International Journal of Trends in Economics Management and Technology (IJTEMT) |
1027 |
International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences (IJUPBS) |
1028 |
International Journal of Veterinary Science |
1029 |
International Journal of Wind and Renewable Energy (IJWRE) |
1030 |
International Journal of Wisdom Based Computing |
1031 |
International Journal of World Research |
1032 |
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (IJRITCC) |
1033 |
International Journal on Recent Technologies in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (IJRMEE) |
1034 |
International Journal on Recent Trends in Life Science and Mathematics(IJRTLSM) |
1035 |
International Journal on Research Methodologies in Physics and Chemistry (IJRMPC) |
1036 |
International Journal Online of Humanities (IJOHMN) |
1037 |
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy |
1038 |
International Letters of Natural Sciences |
1039 |
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences |
1040 |
International Medical Journal |
1041 |
International Multidisciplinary Research Journal |
1042 |
International Multispeciality Journal of Health |
1043 |
International Online Journal of Primary Education (IOJPE) |
1044 |
International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (IPCBEE) |
1045 |
International Refereed Journal Of Architecture and Design |
1046 |
International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) |
1047 |
International Research and Publications in Medical Sciences (IRPMS) |
1048 |
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering in Frontiers(IRJEF) |
1049 |
International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences (IRJABS) |
1050 |
International Research Journal of Applied Finance |
1051 |
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) |
1052 |
International Research Journal of Finance and Economics |
1053 |
International Research Journal of Management Sciences (IRJMS) |
1054 |
International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Science & Technology(IRJMRS) |
1055 |
International Research Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Sciences(IRJPAS) |
1056 |
International Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (IRJPS) |
1057 |
International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) |
1058 |
International Research Journal of Sustainable Science & Engineering(IRJSSE) |
1059 |
International Researchers |
1060 |
International Review of Basic and Applied Sciences (IRBAS) |
1061 |
International Review of Management and Business Research (IRMBR) |
1062 |
International Review of Social Psychology |
1063 |
International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities |
1064 |
International Science and Investigation Journal (ISIJ) |
1065 |
International Scientific Investigations (ISI) Проблемы и перспективы современной науки |
1066 |
International Scientific Journal Theoretical & Applied Science |
1067 |
International Scientific Research Journal (IRJ.Science) |
1068 |
International Technical Sciences Journal (ITSJ) |
1069 |
Invention Journal of Research Technology in Engineering & Management (IJRTEM) |
1070 |
IOSR Journal of Engineering |
1071 |
Italian Journal of Science & Engineering |
1072 |
JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory |
1073 |
JACOTECH (Journal of Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies) |
1074 |
Jai Maa Saraswati Gyandayini |
1075 |
Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition) |
1076 |
1077 |
1078 |
JNSS: Journal Namibia Scientific Society |
1079 |
Jokull Journal |
1080 |
Journal Andamios |
1081 |
Journal de Afrikana |
1082 |
Journal der Pharmazie Forschung |
1083 |
Journal for Advanced Research in Applied Sciences |
1084 |
Journal for Research |
1085 |
Journal Francophone de Cas Clinique |
1086 |
Journal of Accounting, Ethics & Public Policy |
1087 |
Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies (JOAAT) |
1088 |
Journal of Advanced Studies in Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Sciences (JABE) |
1089 |
Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research (JAVAR) |
1090 |
Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering (JACE) |
1091 |
Journal of Advances in Electronics and Communication Engineering(JAECE) |
1092 |
Journal of Advances in Information Technology (JAIT) |
1093 |
Journal of Advances in Internal Medicine |
1094 |
Journal of Advances in Science and Technology (JADBM) |
1095 |
Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities |
1096 |
Journal of Agriculture, Forestry & Environmental Sciences |
1097 |
Journal of American Academic Research (JAAR) |
1098 |
Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons (JPANDS) |
1099 |
Journal of Anaesthesia and Critical Care Case Reports |
1100 |
Journal of Analytical Research |
1101 |
Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences (Nairobi, Kenya) |
1102 |
Journal of Animal and Poultry Sciences (JAPSC) |
1103 |
Journal of Applicable Chemistry |
1104 |
Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology (JABB) |
1105 |
Journal of Applied Economics and Business |
1106 |
Journal of Applied Linguistics (Dubai) |
1107 |
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research (JALLR) |
1108 |
Journal of Applied Management and Investments (JAMI) |
1109 |
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science |
1110 |
Journal of Applied Pharmacy |
1111 |
Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
1112 |
Journal of Arts and Humanities |
1113 |
Journal of Automation and Control Engineering (JOACE) |
1114 |
Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine (JAHM) |
1115 |
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences (JAIMS) |
1116 |
Journal of Basic and Environmental Sciences (JBES) |
1117 |
Journal of Behavioral Health |
1118 |
Journal of Behavioral Sciences in Asia |
1119 |
Journal of Bio Innovation |
1120 |
Journal of Biological and Scientific Opinion (JBSO) |
1121 |
Journal of Biological Sciences and Medicine (JBSM) |
1122 |
Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research (JBPR) |
1123 |
Journal of Bioscience and Technology (JBST) |
1124 |
Journal of Biospectracal |
1125 |
Journal of Business Management and Applied Economics |
1126 |
Journal of Business Management and Economic Studies (JBMES) |
1127 |
Journal of Business Studies Quarterly (JBSQ) |
1128 |
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research |
1129 |
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences |
1130 |
Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences (JCBPSC) |
1131 |
Journal of Chengdu University of Technology (Science and Technology Edition) |
1132 |
Journal of Clean Energy Technologies (JOCET) |
1133 |
Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine (JCAM) |
1134 |
Journal of Coastal Life Medicine |
1135 |
Journal of Communications Technology, Electronics and Computer Science (JCTECS) |
1136 |
Journal of Computational Information Systems |
1137 |
Journal of Computers |
1138 |
Journal of Computing |
1139 |
Journal of Computing Technologies (JCT) |
1140 |
Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business Research |
1141 |
Journal of Contemporary Management Sciences (JCMS) |
1142 |
Journal of Contemporary Medical Education |
1143 |
Journal of Cosmology |
1144 |
Journal of Current Pharma Research |
1145 |
Journal of Current Research in Science (JCRS) |
1146 |
Journal of Current Trends in Big Data Analytics |
1147 |
Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics (JDDT) |
1148 |
Journal of Economics and Banking |
1149 |
Journal of Economics and Engineering |
1150 |
Journal of Economics and Political Economy |
1151 |
Journal of Economics, Business and Management (JOEBM) |
1152 |
Journal of Education and Social Science |
1153 |
Journal of Education and Sociology |
1154 |
Journal of Electrical Engineering |
1155 |
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Science (JEES) |
1156 |
Journal of ELT and Applied Linguistics (JELTAL) |
1157 |
Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences |
1158 |
Journal of Engineering and Applied Mathematics (JEAM) |
1159 |
Journal of Engineering Innovation & Research (JEIR) |
1160 |
Journal of Engineering Technology |
1161 |
Journal of Engineering Technology (JoET) |
1162 |
Journal of Engineering, Computing and Architecture |
1163 |
Journal of English Language and Literature (JOELL) |
1164 |
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies |
1165 |
Journal of Environment and Life Sciences (JELS) |
1166 |
Journal of Environmental and Occupational Science |
1167 |
Journal of Environmental Biology |
1168 |
Journal of Environmental Hydrology |
1169 |
Journal of Environmental Nanotechnology |
1170 |
Journal of Environmental Research and Development (JERAD) |
1171 |
Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology (JECET) |
1172 |
Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare (JEBMH) |
1173 |
Journal of Evolution of Research in Dermatology and Venerology(JERDV) |
1174 |
Journal of Evolution of Research in Human Physiology (JERPH) |
1175 |
Journal of Evolution of Research in Medical Microbiology (JERMM) |
1176 |
Journal of Evolution of Research in Medical Pharmacology (JERMP) |
1177 |
Journal of Evolution of Research in Paediatrics and Neonatology (JERPN) |
1178 |
Journal of Excellence in Computer Science and Engineering (JECSE) |
1179 |
Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences (JEBAS) |
1180 |
Journal of Experimental Sciences |
1181 |
Journal of Financial Education |
1182 |
Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment (JFAE) |
1183 |
Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences |
1184 |
Journal of Genetic and Environmental Resources Conservation (JGERC) |
1185 |
Journal of Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering |
1186 |
Journal of Global Biosciences |
1187 |
Journal of Global Business Management |
1188 |
Journal of Global Innovations in Agricultural and Social Sciences(JGIASS) |
1189 |
Journal of Global Research in Computer Science (JGRCS) |
1190 |
Journal of Health Economics and Outcomes Research (JHEOR) |
1191 |
Journal of Health, Sport and Tourism |
1192 |
Journal of HerbMed Pharmacology (JHP) |
1193 |
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
1194 |
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
1195 |
Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning |
1196 |
Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies R&D |
1197 |
Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences |
1198 |
Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences |
1199 |
Journal of Hydrology and Environment Research (JHER) |
1200 |
Journal of IMAB |
1201 |
Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information (JIII) |
1202 |
Journal of Information and Computational Science |
1203 |
Journal of Information and Computational Science |
1204 |
Journal of Information System Management |
1205 |
Journal of Information System[s] Management |
1206 |
Journal of Innovations in Applied Pharmaceutical Science (JIAPS) |
1207 |
Journal of Innovations in Pharmaceuticals and Biological Sciences(JIPBS) |
1208 |
Journal of Innovative Biology (JIB) |
1209 |
Journal of Innovative Engineering |
1210 |
Journal of Innovative Research and Solutions (JIRAS) |
1211 |
Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology |
1212 |
Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
1213 |
Journal of Interdisciplinary Histopathology |
1214 |
Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary (JIARM) |
1215 |
Journal of International Anatolia Sport Science (Uluslararası Anadolu Spor Bilimleri Dergisi) |
1216 |
Journal of International Environmental Application & Science |
1217 |
Journal of International Management Studies |
1218 |
Journal of Investigational Biochemistry |
1219 |
Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology |
1220 |
Journal of Language and Literature |
1221 |
1222 |
Journal of Materials and Environmental Science (JMES) |
1223 |
Journal of Mathematics and Technology |
1224 |
Journal of Media & Mass Communication |
1225 |
Journal of Media Critiques (JMC) |
1226 |
Journal of Medical Biomedical and Applied Sciences |
1227 |
Journal of Medical Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences (JMPAS) |
1228 |
Journal of Medical Research and Practice (JMRP) |
1229 |
Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research (JMSCR) |
1230 |
Journal of Medical Science and Technology |
1231 |
Journal of Microbiology and Antimicrobial Agents (JMAA) |
1232 |
Journal of Middle East and North Africa Sciences (Journal of MENA Sciences) |
1233 |
Journal of Middle East Applied Science and Technology (JMEAST) |
1234 |
Journal of Modern Science & Heritage |
1235 |
Journal of Modern Science And Technology |
1236 |
Journal of Molecular Pathophysiology |
1237 |
Journal of Multidisciplinary Developments (JOMUDE) |
1238 |
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST) |
1239 |
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS) |
1240 |
Journal of Nano Innovation |
1241 |
Journal of Natural Products |
1242 |
Journal of Nature and Science (JNSCI) |
1243 |
Journal of Neurology & Neuromedicine |
1244 |
Journal of New Sciences |
1245 |
Journal of Novel Applied Sciences |
1246 |
Journal of Optoelectronics Laser |
1247 |
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Bioanalytical Science (JPB Science) |
1248 |
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences (JPABS) |
1249 |
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences (JPBMS) |
1250 |
Journal of Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Biological Sciences (JPCBS) |
1251 |
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry |
1252 |
Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine |
1253 |
Journal of Pharmacy Research (JPR) |
1254 |
Journal of Physical Education Research (JOPER) |
1255 |
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (JPTS) |
1256 |
Journal of Postharvest Technology |
1257 |
Journal of Process Management New Technologies International(JPMNT) |
1258 |
Journal of Productivity Management |
1259 |
Journal of Psychology and Theology |
1260 |
Journal of Rare Diseases Research & Treatment |
1261 |
1262 |
Journal of Research in Anaesthesology and Pain Medicine (JRAP) |
1263 |
Journal of Research in Biology |
1264 |
Journal of Research in Computers and Technology (JRCT) |
1265 |
Journal of Research in Forensic Medicine and Toxicology (JRFMT) |
1266 |
Journal of Research in General Surgery and Laparoscopy (JEGSL) |
1267 |
Journal of Research in Human Anatomy and Embryology (JRHAE) |
1268 |
Journal of Research in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Infertility (JROGI) |
1269 |
Journal of Research in Preventive and Social Medicine (JRPSM) |
1270 |
Journal of Research in Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences (JRPBS) |
1271 |
Journal of Research in Radiodiagnosis, Teleradiology and Imaging(JRRTI) |
1272 |
Journal of Research in Traditional Medicine (JRTM) |
1273 |
1274 |
Journal of Science |
1275 |
Journal of Science and Its Applications (JOSAIA) |
1276 |
Journal of Science and Technology Advances |
1277 |
Journal of Science Editing |
1278 |
Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research |
1279 |
Journal of Scientific Computing |
1280 |
Journal of Scientific Letters |
1281 |
Journal of Scientific Research and Development |
1282 |
Journal of Scientific Research in Pharmacy (JSRP) |
1283 |
Journal of Scientific Research in Physical & Mathematical Sciences |
1284 |
Journal of Scientific Theory and Methods |
1285 |
Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University |
1286 |
Journal of Social Issues & Humanities |
1287 |
Journal of Software (JSW) |
1288 |
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University |
1289 |
Journal of Spectroscopy and Molecular Physics |
1290 |
Journal of Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities (JSSSH) |
1291 |
Journal of Surgery & Patient Care (Surgery Open Access) |
1292 |
Journal of Talent Development and Excellence |
1293 |
Journal of Talent Development and Excellence (JTDE) |
1294 |
Journal of Technology |
1295 |
Journal of Telecommunications |
1296 |
Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics |
1297 |
Journal of the IEST |
1298 |
Journal of The International Association of Advanced Technology and Science (JIAATS) |
1299 |
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT) |
1300 |
Journal of Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology (TMT proceedings) |
1301 |
Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (JUSST) |
1302 |
Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition |
1303 |
Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology |
1304 |
Journal of Xidian University |
1305 |
Jundishapur Journal of Health Sciences (JJHS) |
1306 |
Junior Scientific Researcher |
1307 |
Jurnal akademik: Indonesia Academic Journal |
1308 |
Kashmir Economic Review |
1309 |
Kasmera Journal (Revista Kasmera) |
1310 |
1311 |
La Prensa Medica Argentina |
1312 |
Langlit |
1313 |
Lecture Notes on Software Engineering (LNSE) |
1314 |
Legal Research Development (LRD) |
1315 |
Letters in Applied NanoBioScience |
1316 |
LEVANT Journal |
1317 |
LiBRI: Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovation |
1318 |
Lingua: International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture(Lingua IJLLC) |
1319 |
Linguistica Antverpiensia |
1320 |
Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies |
1321 |
Lino journal |
1322 |
Liverpool University Press (fake publisher) |
1323 |
Lokavishkar International E Journal |
1324 |
1325 |
MAGNT Research Report |
1326 |
Malti: International Hindi e Research Journal (मालती: अंतर्राष्ट्रीयहिंदीइ शोध) |
1327 |
Martinia |
1328 |
Mathematical and Computational Applications (MCA) |
1329 |
Meanjin |
1330 |
Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering Journal (MMSE Journal) |
1331 |
Medical Research Archives |
1332 |
Medical Science Journals |
1333 |
Medico Research Chronicles |
1334 |
Mediterranean Journal of Biosciences (MJB) |
1335 |
Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry |
1336 |
Mediterranean Journal of Modeling & Simulation |
1337 |
Mediterranean Journal of Physics |
1338 |
MedLife Clinics |
1339 |
Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg |
1340 |
Modern Behavioral Science |
1341 |
Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods (MJLTM) |
1342 |
Mukt Shabd Journal |
1343 |
Multicultural Education |
1344 |
Multidisciplinary Journals |
1345 |
Multidisciplinary Scientific Reviewer |
1346 |
1347 |
Munis Entomology & Zoology |
1348 |
NanoWorld Journal (NWJ) |
1349 |
National FORUM Journals |
1350 |
National Journal of Basic Medical Sciences |
1351 |
National Journal of Community Medicine |
1352 |
National Journal of Medical and Dental Research |
1353 |
National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy, and Pharmacology |
1354 |
Nationalpark Berchtesgaden Forschungsbericht |
1355 |
Nationalpark-Forschung in der Schweiz |
1356 |
Natura |
1357 |
1358 |
Nautilus Journal |
1359 |
Nemis Journals |
1360 |
New Armenian medical journal |
1361 |
New Ground Research Journals |
1362 |
Nobel International Journals |
1363 |
Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science |
1364 |
Novelty Journals |
1365 |
Novyi Mir Research Journal |
1366 |
OakFortress Journals |
1367 |
OASP Journals |
1368 |
Oceanic Journals |
1369 |
1370 |
Odonatological Abstract Service |
1371 |
Oeconomia Coeprnicana |
1372 |
OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development |
1373 |
Ology Journals |
1374 |
Oncoscience |
1375 |
Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal |
1376 |
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies |
1377 |
Online Journal of Library & Information Science (OJLIS) |
1378 |
Online Research Journals |
1379 |
Opción (unsafe URL) |
1380 |
Open Access Journal of Science and Technology |
1381 |
Open Journal of Clinical & Medical Case Reports |
1382 |
Open Journal of Clinical & Medical Sciences |
1383 |
Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology |
1384 |
Origini |
1385 |
1386 |
Paideuma Journal of Research |
1387 |
PalArch’s Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology |
1388 |
PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology |
1389 |
Palgo Journals |
1390 |
Paramount Journals |
1391 |
Paripex Indian Journal of Research (PIJR) |
1392 |
Parishodh Journal |
1393 |
Path of Science (Traektoriâ Nauki) |
1394 |
Pattern Recognition in Physics |
1395 |
PBS Journals |
1396 |
Peak Journals |
1397 |
Pearl Research Journals |
1398 |
Pensee |
1399 |
People’s Journal of Scientific Research |
1400 |
1401 |
Pezzottaite Journals |
1402 |
Pharma Innovation |
1403 |
Pharmaceutical and Biological Evaluations |
1404 |
Pharmacie Globale: International Journal of Comprehensive Pharmacy(IJCP) |
1405 |
Pharmacologia |
1406 |
PharmacologyOnline (PhOL) |
1407 |
PHARMANEST: An International Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences |
1408 |
1409 |
Physical Education and Sports Research Journal (Academic Sports Scholars) |
1410 |
PHYTON Annales Rei Botanicae |
1411 |
Pinnacle Research Journals (PRJ) |
1412 |
Plant Digest |
1413 |
Plants Journal / Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies |
1414 |
Platinum Global Journals |
1415 |
Polish Polar Research |
1416 |
Ponte: International Scientific Researches Journal |
1417 |
Positif review |
1418 |
PraeParator |
1419 |
Pramana Research Journal |
1420 |
Praxis Science and Technology Journal |
1421 |
Preslia journal |
1422 |
Prime Journals |
1423 |
Professionals Center for Business Research |
1424 |
Progress in Physics |
1425 |
ProJournals (Professional Journals) |
1426 |
Proscience Journals |
1427 |
Proteus Journal |
1428 |
Prudence Journals |
1429 |
Prudent Journals |
1430 |
Psychology and Education |
1431 |
Pubicon International Publications (Pubicon Journals) |
1432 |
PunarnaV |
1433 |
Purple Journals |
1434 |
Pyrex Journals |
1435 |
Pyxis Journal |
1436 |
Quarterly Physics Review |
1437 |
Recht & Psychiatrie |
1438 |
Reef Resources Assessment and Management Technical Paper |
1439 |
Remedy Open Access |
1440 |
Research |
1441 |
Research Ambition |
1442 |
Research Chronicler |
1443 |
Research Chronicles (Research Chronicle in Health Sciences) |
1444 |
Research Dimension |
1445 |
Research Directions: International Multidisciplinary Research Journal (Research Directions Journal |
1446 |
Research in Biotechnology |
1447 |
Research in Pharmacy and Health Sciences |
1448 |
Research Innovator |
1449 |
Research Inspiration |
1450 |
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering and Science |
1451 |
Research Journal of Life Sciences, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceutical, and Chemical Sciences (RJLBPCS) |
1452 |
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences(RJPBCS) |
1453 |
Research Opinions in Animal and Veterinary Sciences (ROAVS) |
1454 |
Research Revolution |
1455 |
Research Scholar |
1456 |
ResearchDesk |
1457 |
Researchers World – Journal of Arts Science & Commerce |
1458 |
Research-Technology Management (Res Tech Manag) |
1459 |
Review of Research |
1460 |
Reviews of Progress |
1461 |
1462 |
Revista de Educación |
1463 |
Revista Electrónica de las Ciencias Computacionales e Informática(RECI) |
1464 |
Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencas |
1465 |
Revista Iberoamericana de Contaduría, Economía y Administración(RICEA) |
1466 |
Revista Iberoamericana de las Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias(CIBA) |
1467 |
Revista Iberoamericana de las Ciencias de la Salud (RICS) |
1468 |
Revista Iberoamericana de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas (RICSH) |
1469 |
Revista Iberoamericana para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Educativo(RIDE) |
1470 |
Revista Kasmera |
1471 |
Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad del Zulia |
1472 |
Revistas Electrónicas UACh |
1473 |
1474 |
Romanian Biotechnological Letters |
1475 |
1476 |
1477 |
Sanskruti International Multidisciplinary Research Journal |
1478 |
Sapporo Medical Journal |
1479 |
Saussurea |
1480 |
Savant Journals |
1481 |
1482 |
Scholar Journals |
1483 |
Scholarly Journals |
1484 |
Scholarly Research Exchange |
1485 |
Scholars World International Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research |
1486 |
Science and Engineering Applications (SAEA) |
1487 |
Science and Engineering Journal |
1488 |
Science International |
1489 |
Science International (Lahore) |
1490 |
Science Park |
1491 |
Science Postprint (SPP) |
1492 |
Science Record Journals |
1493 |
Science Research Reporter |
1494 |
Science Reuters |
1495 |
Science, Technology and Development Multidisciplinary Journal |
1496 |
Scientia Guaianae |
1497 |
Scientific Journals |
1498 |
Scientific Journals International |
1499 |
Scientific Khyber |
1500 |
Scientific Light |
1501 |
Scientific Open Access Journals (SOAJ) |
1502 |
Scientific Research Journal (Scirj) |
1503 |
Scientific Research Journal of India |
1504 |
Scientific Researches |
1505 |
Scientific Transactions in Environment and Technovation |
1506 |
Scientific World |
1507 |
Scottish Journal of Arts, Social Sciences and Scientific Studies (SJASS) |
1508 |
SCRO Annual Report Journal |
1509 |
Sensors & Transducers Journal |
1510 |
Seventh Sense Research Group Journal |
1511 |
Seybold Report |
1512 |
Shiraz E Medical Journal |
1513 |
Shiv Rudraksha International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Management |
1514 |
Signpost e Journals |
1515 |
Singaporean Journals |
1516 |
Smart and Young |
1517 |
Smart Nanosystems in Engineering and Medicine |
1518 |
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal |
1519 |
Social Science Journals |
1520 |
Solid State Technology |
1521 |
Source, Source Journals |
1522 |
South African Journal of Business Management |
1523 |
South Asian Academic Research Journals |
1524 |
South Asian Journal of Food Technology and Environment |
1525 |
South Asian Journal of Mathematics |
1526 |
South Indian Journal Of Biological Sciences |
1527 |
South Pacific Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences (SPJPBS) |
1528 |
South Pacific Journal of Technology and Science (SPJTS) |
1529 |
Specialusis Ugdymas |
1530 |
Sport Science |
1531 |
Spring Journals |
1532 |
Sprint Journals |
1533 |
Standard Global Journals |
1534 |
Standard Research Journals |
1535 |
Strad research |
1536 |
Streem Journal |
1537 |
Studia Rosenthaliana (Journal for The Study of Research) |
1538 |
1539 |
Suraj Punj Journal for Multidisciplinary Research |
1540 |
Survey Methodology |
1541 |
Swedish Journal of Scientific Research (SJSR) |
1542 |
Swift Journals |
1543 |
Swiss Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (SJRBSS) |
1544 |
Swiss Journals |
1545 |
Sylwan |
1546 |
Systems science journal |
1547 |
T&S Journal PUblications |
1548 |
Tactful Management Research Journal (TMRJ) |
1549 |
Tagliche Praxis |
1550 |
Taraksh Journals |
1551 |
TECH REV: Technology Review journal |
1552 |
Technical Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (TJEAS) |
1553 |
Technics Technologies Education Management |
1554 |
Technology Reports of Kansai University |
1555 |
Tehnicki Vjesnik = = Technical Gazette (TV-TG) |
1556 |
Teikyo Medical Journal |
1557 |
1558 |
Telematique |
1559 |
1560 |
Terminal Journals |
1561 |
Test Engineering & Management |
1562 |
TEST: Engineering & Management |
1563 |
Textroad Journals |
1564 |
Thavan E ACT International Journals |
1565 |
The Advance Journals of Engineering Mathematics and Computer Sciences (AJEMCS) |
1566 |
The Advanced Science Journal |
1567 |
1568 |
The Bioscan |
1569 |
The Business Review, Cambridge |
1570 |
The Caspian Sea Journal (CSJ) |
1571 |
The Criterion: An International Journal in English |
1572 |
The Dawn Journal |
1573 |
The Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (EJGE) |
1574 |
The Experiment |
1575 |
The Global Journals |
1576 |
The IJES: The International Journal of Engineering and Science |
1577 |
The International Asian Research Journal (TIARJ) |
1578 |
The International Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IIJE) |
1579 |
The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis |
1580 |
The International Journal of Business & Management (The IJBM) |
1581 |
The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment |
1582 |
The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies |
1583 |
The International Journal of Knowledge, Innovation and Entreprenurship |
1584 |
The International Journal of Management |
1585 |
The International Journal of Science & Technoledge |
1586 |
The International Journal of Social and Applied Sciences |
1587 |
The International Journal of Social Sciences (TIJOSS) |
1588 |
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies (JASSS) |
1589 |
The Journal of Albertiana |
1590 |
The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge |
1591 |
The Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce |
1592 |
The Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science (JMCS) |
1593 |
The Journal of Medical Research |
1594 |
The Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications (JNSA) |
1595 |
The Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Innovation (JPSI) |
1596 |
The Journal of Reading and Literacy (JRL) |
1597 |
The Journal Of ZEPHYRUS |
1598 |
The Macrotheme Review |
1599 |
The Modern Journal of Applied Linguistics (MJAL) |
1600 |
The Naturalist Journal |
1601 |
The Online Journal of Distance Education and e Learning (TOJDEL) |
1602 |
The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education (TOJNED) |
1603 |
The Online Journal of Science and Technology (TOJSAT) |
1604 |
The Pharma Research (Journal) |
1605 |
The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal |
1606 |
The Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte |
1607 |
The Scitech Journal |
1608 |
The Standard International Journals |
1609 |
The Ulutas Medical Journal |
1610 |
The Universal Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Technology (UniCSE) |
1611 |
Thetic Journals |
1612 |
TI Journals |
1613 |
Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/ Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology |
1614 |
Tierarztilich Praxis |
1615 |
Time Journals |
1616 |
TLEP Journals (The Leading Edge Journal Publication Company) |
1617 |
Topclass Global Journals |
1618 |
Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumbria |
1619 |
Translational Medicine and Biotechnology (TMB) |
1620 |
Transnational Journal of Science and Technology (TJST) |
1621 |
Transworld Medical Journal (TWMJ) |
1622 |
Transylvanian Review |
1623 |
Transylvanian Review |
1624 |
Trends Journal of Sciences Research (TJSR) |
1625 |
Tropical Plant Research |
1626 |
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) |
1627 |
Turkish Journal of Field Crops |
1628 |
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation |
1629 |
Turkish Journal of Scientific Research |
1630 |
Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (TOJET) |
1631 |
Ultra Engineer |
1632 |
Ulutas Genetic Research Journal |
1633 |
Unified Journals |
1634 |
Unique Research Journals |
1635 |
Universal Journal of Applied Computer Science and Technology |
1636 |
Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (UJPR) |
1637 |
Universal Journal of Pharmacy (UJP Online) |
1638 |
Universal Review |
1639 |
Universe of Emerging Technology and Science (UNIETS) |
1640 |
Universum Scientific Journals (Научные журналы Universum) |
1641 |
USN Scientific Journal |
1642 |
Valley International Journals |
1643 |
Veliger |
1644 |
1645 |
Vigyan Prakash Journal |
1646 |
Virtual Foundation for Advancement of Science and Technology (VFAST) |
1647 |
Visi Jurnal Akademik |
1648 |
1649 |
VSRD International Journals |
1650 |
Waffen- und Kostumkunde Journal |
1651 |
Walia |
1652 |
Walia Journal |
1653 |
Webcrawler Journals |
1654 |
Weberbauerella |
1655 |
Weekly Science International Research Journal |
1656 |
Wilolud Journals |
1657 |
WIWO Report |
1658 |
World Academy of Informatics and Management Sciences |
1659 |
World Applied Sciences Journal |
1660 |
World Essays Journal (WEJ) |
1661 |
World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (WJERT) |
1662 |
World Journal of Innovative Research (WJIR) |
1663 |
World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences (WJPLS) |
1664 |
World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (WJPMR) |
1665 |
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (WJPR) |
1666 |
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (WJPS) |
1667 |
World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (WJPPS) |
1668 |
World Journal of Research and Review (WJRR) |
1669 |
World Journal of Science and Technology (WJST) |
1670 |
World Medical Student Journal (WorldMSJ) |
1671 |
World Open Access Journals |
1672 |
World Research Journals |
1673 |
World Science Research Journals (WSR Journals) |
1674 |
World Scientific News |
1675 |
World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development |
1676 |
Wudpecker Research Journals |
1677 |
Wulfenia |
1678 |
Wulfenia journal |
1679 |
Wutan Huatan Jisuan Jishu |
1680 |
Wyno Academic Journals |
1681 |
Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition |
1682 |
Yellow Loop Journal |
1683 |
ZealSci Journals |
1684 |
Zeichen Journal |
1685 |
Zhonghua er bi yan hou tou jing wai ke za zhi / Chinese journal of otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery |
1686 |
ZtJournals |