Solar Chimneys for Natural Ventilation of Buildings: Induced Air Flow Rate Per Chimney Volume

Phó giáo sư, Tiến sĩNguyễn Quốc ÝKỹ sưHuỳnh Nhật Triều

Khoa Kỹ Thuật

Thể loại: Kỷ yếu

Sơ lược nội dung

Ventilation of buildings can be based on mechanical systems, such as fans, or natural driving forces, such as wind or heat. Of common natural ventilation methods, solar chimneys convert solar heat gain on the envelope of buildings into flow energy to ventilate or to cool the buildings. As solar chimneys are typically integrated into the building envelope, i.e. walls or roofs, architects determine shapes and sizes of a chimney mainly based on available space on the envelope. This raises the need for maximizing the ventilation performance of a solar chimney for a given space on a building envelope. In this study, ventilation performance of a typical vertical solar chimney was assessed in the term of the induced flowrate that it can provide per its volume. A three-dimensional numerical model based on the Computational Fluid Dynamics method was built to predict the induced air flow rate through the chimney as its dimensions changed. The tested dimensions included the height, the width, and the gap of the chimney. The induced air flow rate was obtained with different volumes of the chimney. The results show that the induced air flow rate nominated by the chimney volume changed with all three dimensions. Higher flow rate per volume was was achieved with the chimneys with shorter heights and lower gap – to – height ratios. Therefore, it is suggested to maximize the air flow rate per chimney volume, smaller chimneys are preferred. These findings agree with the results in the literature.

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The International Conference on Modern Mechanics and Applications 2020

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