Urban agriculture in landscape architectural view in Ho Chi Minh City

Tô Ngọc Mai Nga

Khoa Kiến Trúc

Thể loại: Bài báo

Sơ lược nội dung

Because of expanding urbanization, agricultural land is decreasing and the problems of food safety, ecological environment still remain a concern for urban resident. Using vacant and fallow land in the urban area is the way to exploit agriculture which temporarily solves problems of urban ecological balance, food security, physical activity and job creation, that helps urban residents to increase income in spare time. Urban agricultural farming supplies fresh food and enriched community activities for urban residents, which have a part of sustainability in urban living environment. On the other hand, it can also be viewed as landscape architectural design. In the article, the used research method is summarization the experiences from successful models from many countries to classify and systematize the application in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) to increase the green area of landscape architectural spaces associated with urban agricultural exploitation inside urban boundary (the inner- city), limited to cultivation. Keywords: urban agricultural landscape; urban sustainability; urban cultivation; local food production

Thông tin chung
Thể loại
Bài báo
Năm xuất bản
20 Thg9 2021
Ngôn ngữ gốc
Tiếng Anh
Tạp chí công bố
AIP Conference Proceedings
Ấn phẩm số
Vol. 2406, No. 020016 (2021)
Loại tạp chí
Danh mục Scopus
Chất lượng
Không phân Q

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