Marine Predator Optimization Algorithm for Economic Load Dispatch Target Considering Solar Generators

Tiến sĩPhan Văn ĐứcHai Son HoangVan Binh NguyenHoang Nam Nguyen

Khoa Công Nghệ Ô Tô

Thể loại: Bài báo

Sơ lược nội dung

This paper implements Marine predator optimization algorithm (MPA) to seek the optimal solutions of thermal plants (TPs) for a conventional ELD problem and a hybrid ELD (HELD) problem considering solar generators. MPA has a strong and stable search ability by using Brownian distribution and Lévy flights distribution. For testing MPA, four test systems with different constraints and difficult levels are used. In which, the last two systems formed from the first two ones, are first proposed and utilized to analyze the effectiveness of renewable energy resources as installed on the power system. The optimal solutions obtained by running MPA on Systems 1 and 2 are employed to compare with many previous optimization methods. As a result, it can lead to a conclusion that MPA is more effective and stronger than compared methods in terms of solution quality and stable search ability. MPA successfully solves Systems 3 and 4 of the HELD problem considering solar generators. In addition, from analyzing cost reduction level of cases with and without solar generators, it can offer a useful idea that the use of renewable energy resources significantly decreases a cost of buying fossil fuels for TPs.

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GMSARN International Journal
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