Funeral sculptures of the Jrai people in the Central Highlands, Vietnam

Hồ Thị Thanh Nhàn

Khoa Mỹ thuật và Thiết kế

Thể loại: Kỷ yếu

Sơ lược nội dung

This paper aims to classify the funeral sculptures of the Jrai people in the Central Highlands, Vietnam. Using a method that combines documentary research, fieldwork, and comparison, it expands previous general studies by providing a clear assessment of this folk art. There are representative wooden statues in the grave houses of the Jrai Arap, the Jrai Chon, the Jrai T’buăn, the Jrai Chor, and the Jrai Mthur analyzed to figure out the difference in form. Therefore, the findings in this paper could be used not only for a more complete classification and introduction of artifacts in current museums, but also for the restoration and development of Jrai sculpture in future. Keywords. Funeral sculpture, the Jrai people, folkarts, the Central Highlands of Vietnam.

Thông tin chung
Thể loại
Kỷ yếu
Năm xuất bản
20 Thg9 2021
Ngôn ngữ gốc
Tiếng Anh
Tạp chí công bố
AIP Conference Proceedings
Ấn phẩm số
Vol. 2406, No. 020016 (2021)
Loại tạp chí
Danh mục Scopus
Chất lượng
Không phân Q

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