The Monumental Architecture of Po Ramé in Ninh Thuan Province, Vietnam

PhD.Ngo Minh hungMaster'sSon PutraWillam B. Noseworthy

Institute of Cultural Heritage Research and Development (INCHES)

Research output: Proceeding


This article aims to examine the architecture and characteristics of sculptures at the Po Ramé temple in Ninh Thuan province, Vietnam. There are the statues of Po Ramé himself, the queen Bia Su Can, the queen Bia Su Cih, a Nandin cow, a linga and a kut depicted more meaningfully. This provides clear assessment of preservation works that have been completed at the contemporary temple. In practice, those initiatives of the conservation effort figure out very first achievements that are definitely useful for improvement later on. Therefore, potential directions of preserving those heritages are proposed respectively from short, medium and long term in the future.

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Published Journal
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
ISI Indexed
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