The Effects of Hatha Yoga on Students Physical Fitness Van Lang University, Vietnam

PhD.Trang Phuong Tung

Faculty of Fundamental Sciences

Research output: Article


Hatha Yoga practice is considered to be a method of improving and maintaining total wellness. The goal of the topic is to evaluate the effects of Hatha Yoga on students' phisycal fitness. Methods: The thesis uses a convenient sampling method, anthropometric method, pedagogical test method, pedagogical experimental method, and statistical mathematical method. Results: After 30 weeks of Hatha Yoga practice, students in the experimental group had forearm strength increased 6.68% in men and 7.83% in women, abdominal strength increased 12.62% in men and 16.05% in women, the strength of lower limbs increased 4.05% in men and 3.49% in women, overall endurance increased by 8.83% in men and 8.63% in women, body flexibility increased by 30.01% in men and 30.14% in women, left knee increased by 13.35% in men and 16.79% in women, movement amplitude of the right knee increased by 13.24% in men and 20.98% in women, the likelihood of holding an equal standing in one-legged position increased by 20.02% in men and 24.81% in women, all statistically significant with p <0.05 or p <0.001. Particularly, the ability to coordinate motor coordination of both male and female students increased not significantly, the difference was not statistically significant with p> 0.05. As for the fitness of the control students, there was no significant change after 30 weeks (p> 0.05).

Publication year
Original language
Published Journal
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Volume No
Vol. 24 Issue 8
Scopus Indexed
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