An In-depth Analysis of OCR Errors for Unconstrained Vietnamese Handwriting

Master'sNguyen Quoc DungDuc-Anh Le, Nguyet-Minh Phan, Ivan Zelinka

Faculty of Engineering

Research output: Proceeding


OCR post-processing is an essential step to improve the accuracy of OCR-generated texts by detecting and correcting OCR errors. In this paper, the OCR texts are resulted from an OCR engine which is based on the attention-based encoder-decoder model for unconstrained Vietnamese handwriting. We identify various kinds of Vietnamese OCR errors and their possible causes. Detailed statistics of Vietnamese OCR errors are provided and analyzed at both character level and syllable level, using typical OCR error characteristics such as error rate, error mapping/edit, frequency and error length. Furthermore, the statistical analyses are done on training and test sets of a benchmark database to infer whether the test set is the appropriate representative of the training set regarding the OCR error characteristics. We also discuss the choice of designing OCR post-processing approaches at character level or at syllable level relying on provided statistics of studied datasets.

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Published Journal
Proceeding for International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering
Scopus Indexed

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